V/A - Suono Libero: A Trip Through Obscure 70's Jazz Funk Tracks From Italian Music Library
Label - La Douce
Released - 1997
Style - Jazz, Funk, Bossa Nova, Space-Age, Easy Listening, Music Library, Lee Library
A trip through obscure 70´s jazz funk tracks from italian music library.
The follow-up to the lovely Suono Libero brings us even more of the good grooves from 60s & 70s Italian music libraries.
For the excellent Suono Libero Volume 2 we get a quite eclectic mix of stuff - so much good stuff in fact, that they had to put it on two CDs! God - there's just so much of this great music! :)
Tracklisting: Disc 1
1. Giuliano Sorgini - The Turf
2. Arawak - Accadde Ad Harlem
3. Paolo Casa - Slap It
4. Astemix - Nervoso
5. L. Bergonzi - Missoula
6. Pino Canizzo - Black California
7. Remigio Ducros - Black Congregation
8. Hingross - Vance
9. Alessandro Alessandroni - Dialogando
10. Awake - Entusiasmante
11. Paolo Casa - Tigers
12. Rino de Filippi - Vividezza
13. Ninety - Tube
14. Remigio Ducros - Sgambata
15. P. Ferrara - Salgemma
Disc 2:
1. Giuliano Sorgini - Echoes From Canyon
2. Remigio Ducros - Contropiede
3. Daniela Casa - Icarus
4. Walter Rizzati - Solo Per Amore
5. Daniela Casa - Beta Lady
6. Blue Sharks - Distortion
7. Walter Rizzati - Curiosando
8. Pedro Gonez - Hippie
9. Tamponi, Franco - Poseidon
10. Franco Potenza - Scott Fizzy
11. Luigi Zito - Piacevole
12. Blue Sharks - Handy Goes To The Pub
13. Daniela Casa - Spiralys
14. Remigio Ducros - Disadattati
15. Fotriafa - Notte Violenta
16. Giuliano Sorgini - Io Canto
17. M. Bordoni - Sad Blues
18. Framan - Rainy Day
download Disc 1
download Disc 2
Gotta love the music you are posting. Some I have. Some I don't. Thanks for filling the blanks on some of the series.
Do you have any Mo'Plen discs to share? Have picked up Brazillia and really enjoy that stuff.
Anyway you put up what you want as it is always very good.
Thanks, LP. I do not have any Mo'Plen. I think you have impeccable taste, so I look forward to researching whatever you suggest!
Hmm, I wonder if anyone's interested in any of my Brazilian comps?
This Library and Italian soundtrack stuff is stunning. Also filling in a lot of blanks for me also. You have a supreme taste in music, and I thank you very much for sharing it. This is a model of how a music blog should be run. Many thanks.
Thanks for the flattering endorsements! And I totally forgot about all those Brazilian/afro comps. that might have to be the next theme to cover...
Looking forward to checking out more of this great stuff. Sterling work again dude.
Hi, Brother!!! You made one dude very, very happy.... tank you very much!!!! Keep making people happy!!!
Glad to make you happy
mille grazie!
great :))
thank you
Awesome stuff. Just found your blog, and I'm loving it. Thanks also for the Mandingo stuff. That is just fantastic.
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